Thursday, February 14, 2013

You're never fully dressed without a smile

Love is in the air, pardners! Love for your spouse, significant other, sibling, parent, children, fur children, coworkers... iPhone...

My very first valentine was a smart, funny man in his 30s. He would leave me a rose by my cereal bowl before taking off for work with a note that said, "All my love, dad." Needless to say, he set very high standards, sometimes to the point where I think he was trying to make it impossible for anyone to top him. I count my blessings often.

Some might say this day is National Singles Awareness Day, but as the "glass half-full" type, I think it ought to be National Send-a-Smile Day! It's fun, it's free, and it's universal. Rhett's dad is a physician and growing up when Rhett looked like he was in a bad mood, his dad would say to him, "Smile... it'll fool your brain." Although I would imagine many people would be livid if they made an appointment and were prescribed a smile, but give it a try, especially today! It's uplifting and contagious. Imagine the effects if every single person in the world smiled at one another at the same time? Whoaaa.

"Smile at each other.
Smile at your wife, smile at your husband, 
smile at your children, smile at each other-
it doesn't matter who it is-
and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other."
Mother Teresa 

Happy Valentine's Day and lots of smiles to the loves of my life...

Happy Valentine's Day to my husband!

Happy Valentine's Day to my daddy!

Happy Valentine's Day to my Murphy!

Happy Valentine's Day to my bloodhound!

"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are 
something to do, 
something to love, 
and something to hope for."
Joseph Addison, English Essayist, Poet

Happy Valentine's Day to you!

[image sources: Pinterest, Mrs. WRCIV]

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