Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Seattle Wedding

Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. David Jaeger!
December 15, 2012
My Best Friend's Wedding, Part I

When Jessica and I were roommates in college, one day she came home and said to me, "Em, I think I'm going to move to Seattle," so I said, "Cool! When?" That's how Jess and I's relationship has always been. We have some sort of unspoken understanding that we're operating on the same wavelength and laugh or roll our eyes at the same time.

She did move to Seattle for graduate school and also snatched herself up a dashing husband with a one-in-a-million smile. Since Seattle is now home to the couple - although she is from Knoxville and he is from Kansas City (irony only) - all of their friends and family had a perfectly good reason to travel to the beautiful Pacific Northwest. The entire weekend was a tour of Seattle with underlying tones of all traditional wedding festivities throughout...

Thursday night Bachelorette karaoke at Seattle's dumpiest dive bar, Baranof.

The best - BEST - goat cheese and beet salad of my life and drinks
at Oddfellows Cafe + Bar after the rehearsal.

The day Jess and Dave went to get their marriage license
happened to be the first day same sex couples could legally get married.
They had to return another day, but said there were lines upon lines of happy couples.
We joked that conservatively this may just be South Carolina... in 200 years.
Seattle is laughing at us.

One must always sit on the pig when visiting Pike Place Market.

The colors and smells of The Market

Only the swankiest Seattle brides go to Pike Place to get their wedding flowers.
Bonus: sweet, sweet ladies and an amazing view of Puget Sound.

A local coffee joint. Starbucks' original store, opened in 1971.

"...but Jess always said she'd marry a man with a beard."
-Excerpt from Laura and I's "coffee house style" poem at the rehearsal dinner at Local 360
(snapping encouraged)

The happy couple enjoying a little wedding eve snack:
McDonald's post-after dinner drinks at 2:30 am.

Bridesmaid dresses steaming in the shower at the Westin Seattle
and we didn't even get charged for all of the extra hot water wasted used.

I'm easily starstruck. Ad for the lofts where the Top Chef Cheftestants stayed this season.

Moments before the ceremony

Bridesmaids me, Kelli (college friend), Leize Marie (college friend), 
Laura (college friend), Mica (Seattle friend)

Beautiful wedding party photos during a break in the rain

Mr. & Mrs. Jaeger leaving for Hawaii!

We thought we were hallucinating at the oasis of SEA-TAC,
but everyone was just spreading holiday cheer:
A one man band, Starbucks delivery on a unicycle, Frostella and Frosty,
an aviator on a magic carpet, and carolers.

A million thank yous to the Portwood and Jaeger families and to Seattle for a beautiful weekend! I traditionally record our office's holiday voice message, but had to postpone this year as I am still hoarse from all the fun. More photos to come on Facebook over the holidays and here's to happily ever after. I love you two!

A Charleston Wedding
My Best Friend's Wedding, Part II
Coming in May 2013!

[photo source: Mrs. WRCIV]

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